英语热词:派对上“煞风景的人” Fun sponge
【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-10】大家很高兴的在一起聚会,可是,有人一脸不悦,看什么都不顺眼,跟谁说话都没好气,好好的聚会氛围全让此人给破坏了。这样的人就像一个负能量海绵,把欢乐的气氛都给吸走了。
A fun sponge refers to a joyless or grumpy person who soaks up all the fun out of an event or situation, in a way a normal sponge sucks up liquid around it.
Fun sponge指无趣又坏脾气的人,能够“吸干”周遭环境中的一切乐趣,就像海绵吸干周遭的水分一样。
For example:
Why did you invite him to the party? He's such a fun sponge. He is complaining about everything at the party and arguing with almost everyone he meets.