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当前位置:家教网首页 > 南京家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:有一种过失叫“把孩子忘在车里”


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-03-20


It is completely beyond comprehension. Yet it is happening more and more often — a tragic consequence of our frenetic lifestyles and increasingly cluttered minds. In fact, the phenomenon of leaving your child in the car has even been given a name: Forgotten baby syndrome.


‘Forgotten baby syndrome’ is a term referring to a psychological state where parents forget their young kids or toddlers inside their vehicles and walk away.


In general cases it is unintentional behaviour of parents with busy life schedules where they forget to either take their kids out of the vehicle or forget to drop them off.


The results of ‘Forgotten baby ayndrome’ are quite unfortunate where the child is either severely injured or dies due to entrapment in the car.


The majority of known cases of Forgotten baby syndrome have happened in the US, where there have been more than 600 resulting fatalities since 1990.




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