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当前位置:家教网首页 > 南京家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:赞助结婚正风行 sponsoring a wedding

英语热词:赞助结婚正风行 sponsoring a wedding

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-24


The idea of sponsoring a wedding may have your head spinning, but it's growing in popularity.


Some enterprising couples have invited more than close friends and relatives to their weddings -- they've also welcomed corporate sponsors.


Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years, where vendors provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples’ wedding invitations, programs, placecards, etc.


As wedding costs climb higher and higher, things like sponsored weddings and website donations are bound to become more commonplace.


Many people feel that sponsored weddings are tacky and detract from the experience of the wedding. Others think that it’s just another practical and creative way to help pay for the costly event.


One Akron, Ohio, bride told us she bartered her gown and received the dress she had desired since she was "a little girl."


She and other brides and grooms may tell you this was their way of affording the wedding of their dreams, but etiquette experts argue a blessed event is being turned into a business deal.




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